Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Pitch

This is the pitch for our music video idea for the song Finale by Madeon. From what we have learnt from the pitch to Frank Maloney Maloney Maloney Jr. is that we need to focus more on the audiences of our music video and how we will be able to tailor the video to a specific audience. In order to do this we will need to use a variety of different theories to aid us in being able to pick an audience which we feel we can successfully target the music video at and to see positive results.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Most Iconic Music Videos & CD Covers

This shows the most iconic videos and cd covers of all time. From what I have noticed from the CD covers is that the lack of titling has proved to be popular with artists as it promotes a sense of identity that people know what the album is without the need for titles however it makes someone who doesnt know what the album the possibility to be interested by this. In addition, the videos are iconic as it often masks a specific stereotype which is seen in the Beastie Boys and The Prodigy's video.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Regulation of Music Video

I created a Glog to show the regulation of music videos, the problems it faces and how they are able to regulate videos in the UK and on the internet.


(The video in the Glog is Born Free by MIA, if the video does not work please use this link to view video.)

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Textual Analysis: Male Gaze Theory

The Male Gaze Theory is useful when planning the main music video for the coursework as it indicates to us how women are shown in the media and how we can use that to play around with the theory. We aim to try and subvert the theory to go against the patriarchal society which is evident today. This is because in the 21st century women should be equal to men and that still isn't the message in most media texts in the industry today.