The navigation buttons at the bottom were only added to this page whilst the ones at the top remained in the header on the rest of the pages.
The News page was fairly straight forward in terms of the design. We simply split the text box which scrolled down the page into two parts in order to have everything instantly seen without the need to scroll down as this affected the size of the background picture. Once we had finished doing that, we were able to fill in the information with events including the plan for the music video and the release of the song we were covering. We also decided at this point to colour code each page, making the boxes red throughout as opposed to the flashing multi-coloured ones that were originally there.
We did a followed a near identical process for the news page, splitting the text box and adding in information about a tour including dates, location and price.
For the music page, we had to replace the music app that already existed and opted for YouTube clips with links to the same songs on iTunes. We had originally had 4 videos on the page, however due to the aspect ratio on certain computers, not all could be viewed properly.
We decided to completely scrap the bio page as it was not vital to the
website and it didn't seem to blend very well with the other content.
We created our own brand new Store page which frequently features on real artists' websites selling merchandise etc. We added images of genuine Madeon merchandise and made some realistic prices to acconpany them.
The header contains the Artist's title alongside the logo From the initial 'M'. This logo is also a button that links directly to the homepage.
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